Professor Peter Higgins - LIVE! ​
Watch Professor Peter give a wonderful and engaging talk on his life in mathematics for the London Mathematics Society. ​ Click here
Ramanujan Project goes International ​
The educational resource will soon be available via the online platform​ NAGWA

Author, public speaker, and inventor of Circular Sudoku
Professor of Mathematics at the University of Essex, Peter Higgins has long sought to fight the idea that the Mathematics we learn is either irrelevant or the concepts incomprehensible. Through a series of 5 popular mathematics titles, the professor encourages everyone to explore the glorious mathematics that governs the universe and appears in our everyday lives.
Winner of the Premio Peano Prize (awarded to the best book published about mathematics in Italian) in 2013, Peter Higgins is a regular speaker at Literary Festivals, bringing popular mathematics to life in an engaging and entertaining manner. Also the inventor of the Circular Sudku puzzle, as featured in The Sunday Times.
Professor Peter has also gained a reputation among his students for being quite the puzzle master - instead of the usual class homework, he would set intricate maths puzzles and problems, often for prizes. Think you can beat his students? Head over to the "Puzzles and Problems" page! Right now it features the video - "Derivative vs Integral, the final slapdown"...

By the end, one feels a renewed sense of what the author calls the "mystery" of numbers, and what they are doing there at all.
Steven Poole, The Guardian, "Numbers: A Very Short Introduction"
… the exposition is outstanding. Higgins’s background as a research mathematician and as a mathematics writer clearly shows in his prose. He writes with a casual flair that sacrifices nothing in clarity and makes the book engaging at every turn.
The American Mathematical Society, "Numbers: A Very Short Introduction"